Bar to D.F.C., 1945 Jul 21, Hull Daily Mail
Group Captain J. B. Voyce
A holder of the much coveted Pathfinder Wings, Group-Capt. John Bell Voyce, R.A.F., has been awarded a bar to his D.F.C. after the completion of his second tour of “ops.”
The younger son of Mr and Mrs E. Bell Voyce, of Roundhay, Leeds, he was married in Canada, in 1941, to Miss Jean Ford, only daughter of Capt. E. Ford, R.D., R.N.R., and Mrs Ford, of Strathmore-ave., Hull.
A specialist navigator, he was for two years the chief instructor at a Navigation Training Command school in Canada. Transferred to Bomber Command on his return to this country, he became a pilot with a Lancaster Pathfinder Squadron. During this tour he acted as master bomber on many of the heaviest raids carried out by the R.A.F. After the award of the D.F.C., Group-Capt. Voyce joined a Mosquito Pathfinder Squadron which at that time was the only one of its kind in existence.
At present he is command navigation officer for the whole of the Mediterranean and Allied Air Force stationed at H.Q. in Italy. He has been with the C.M.F. for three years.